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Compare and Evaluate Affiliate Campaign of Shopify - ECPower and UpPromote Integration
Compare and Evaluate Affiliate Campaign of Shopify - ECPower and UpPromote Integration

Compare and Evaluate Affiliate Campaign of Shopify - ECPower and UpPromote Integration

In the realm of e-commerce, the synergy between customer segmentation and affiliate marketing is critical for business growth. ECPower's advanced segment management capabilities, combined with UpPromote's robust affiliate marketing features, offer an integrated solution that enhances performance evaluation, customer insights, and budget allocation. Moreover, ECPower excels at nurturing loyal customers, while UpPromote can convert these loyal customers into brand advocates, creating a powerful marketing cycle that drives sustainable growth.

What is UpPromote?

UpPromote is a comprehensive affiliate marketing app for Shopify that enables merchants to create and manage affiliate programs. It provides a platform for onboarding affiliates, tracking their performance, and rewarding them based on sales they generate. UpPromote's integration capabilities and customizable settings make it a versatile tool for enhancing affiliate marketing efforts. By converting loyal customers into brand advocates, UpPromote amplifies the impact of marketing campaigns and drives increased customer engagement.

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What is ECPower?

ECPower is a powerful tool designed for creating and managing customer segments based on Shopify order data. It allows merchants to consolidate various segments such as "first-time customers," "loyal customers," and "fans of specific product lines," and track metrics like customer count, repeat purchase rate, Lifetime Value (LTV), and sales. By automatically synchronizing these customer segments with Shopify, ECPower provides a seamless integration with other Shopify tools. ECPower's ability to nurture loyal customers and manage complex marketing cycles makes it an essential tool for e-commerce businesses.

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Integrating ECPower with UpPromote

The integration of ECPower with UpPromote offers a seamless way for merchants to leverage customer segmentation data to optimize their affiliate marketing strategies. By segmenting orders and customers based on their affiliate source, merchants can gain valuable insights into affiliate performance and customer behavior. This strategic approach enhances budget allocation and marketing efforts, creating a continuous cycle of growth by converting loyal customers into brand advocates.

Build exclusive affiliate program for your loyal customer segment in ECPower

ECPower can share segment member information using Shopify customer tags to any other marketing tools like email platform or Shopify email. This allows merchants to offer exclusive program, such as higher benefit percentages, to their loyal customer segments. By motivating these loyal customers to become advocates, merchants can create a dedicated group of brand promoters who are incentivized to spread the word about the brand.

Build 'affiliates' segment by assigning customer tags in UpPromote

UpPromote can assign customer tags to its list of affiliates. ECPower can then identify these tags, enabling merchants to build a specific 'affiliate' segment within ECPower. This segmentation allows merchants to track the growth of their affiliate base and analyze the differences between customers who became affiliates and those who did not. By understanding these dynamics, merchants can refine their strategies to better support and expand their affiliate network.

Build 'acquired by affiliate' segment by assigning order tags in UpPromote

UpPromote can also assign order tags to purchases made through affiliate links. ECPower can identify these order tags, enabling merchants to build an 'acquired by affiliate' customer segment. This segment can be tracked and evaluated to measure acquisition success, track the growth of this segment, and analyze key metrics such as lifetime value (LTV). By monitoring these metrics, merchants can gain insights into the effectiveness of their affiliate campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize their marketing efforts.

Benefits of Integration for E-commerce Businesses

  • Creating a Marketing Cycle: ECPower helps create and manage loyal customer segments, while UpPromote converts these loyal customers into brand advocates, who then attract new customers. This creates a continuous marketing cycle that drives growth.
  • Performance Evaluation of Affiliates: Segmenting orders by affiliate source enables merchants to evaluate the performance of each affiliate more accurately.
  • Customer Insights: Understanding the behavior and preferences of customers from different affiliate sources helps in tailoring marketing strategies.

Setting Up ECPower Segments for Promoting Your Affiliate Program

ECPower can synchronize segments with email platforms or your preferred communication tools via Shopify customer tags. This integration allows you to build a private affiliate program exclusive for your loyal customers and share it with targeted segments in ECPower. Detailed guidance on setting up Shopify customer tags can be found here.

Configuring UpPromote to Build Segments in ECPower

Set-Up Customer Tags

By default, customers who become brand advocates (customer referrals) don’t have customer tag.

However, merchants can add customer tags to these brand advocates.To setup customer tag, merchants can open Settings > Integration > Shopify customers/orders > Turn on “Shopify customer”

System will create new customer accounts for affiliates and add customer tag (uppromote_affiliate) to affiliates and customer referrals:

Set Up Order Tags in UpPromote

If you want to just check overall affiliate performance with ECPower segments, you don't need to do this. If you have several programs in UpPromote and compare performance of acquired customers by each campaign in ECPower - then try special set up below:

By default, order tag name is “UpPromote_order”. However, merchants can customize the order tag by adding affiliate_name, program_name, program_id or affiliate_id.

To setup order tag, merchants can open Settings > Integration > Shopify customers/orders > Setup order tags

Merchants can customize order tag name here:

New referral orders will be applied new order tag:

Note: To compare orders between affiliate programs, merchants can setup the Order tag to “UpPromote_{program_name}”

For example, orders from customer referral will have “UpPromote_Customer_referral” tag, while orders from standard program will have “UpPromote_Standard_Affiliate_Commission” tag.

Building UpPromote Segments and Tracking Their Growth in ECPower

Segment Affiliate Customers

Create a customer segment in ECPower for those who have become affiliates. This segment helps you monitor the growth and performance of your affiliate program.

Evaluate UpPromote as Acquisition Channel from LTV Viewpoint

Let’s use data to compare customers acquired through UpPromote affiliates with those from traditional advertising channels. Evaluate them not only by the number of acquisitions but also in terms of their Lifetime Value (LTV) to truly assess which channel is more effective.

Compare Affiliate Programs with Acquired Customers' Performance

Let's use order tags to segment customers acquired from various affiliate programs and assess which program is attracting higher quality customers in terms of Lifetime Value (LTV) and repeat customer rates.

Data Tracking and Insights

ECPower enables you to track various metrics for each segment, including segment development and lifetime value (LTV), on a daily basis. By diving deep into the insights about your segments, you can analyze purchase behavior, segment growth, and other critical metrics. This detailed analysis helps you refine your marketing strategies and enhance the effectiveness of your affiliate program.


The integration of ECPower Segment Management with UpPromote provides a powerful solution for optimizing affiliate marketing strategies. By leveraging customer segmentation data, merchants can enhance affiliate performance evaluation, gain valuable customer insights, and allocate their marketing budget more efficiently. One of the most innovative and effective marketing strategies today is nurturing loyal customers and converting them into brand advocates. ECPower and UpPromote excel in this area, driving higher engagement, promoting loyalty, and increasing sales. This continuous marketing cycle not only strengthens customer loyalty but also expands the customer base through targeted affiliate marketing, ultimately contributing to the sustained growth and success of the business.

ECPower Product Manager

Edited and supervised by Product Manager of ECPower - Shopify Customer Segment & Journey Management, supporting Shopify merchants' CLV growth, CRM strategy and data analytics.