ECPower Segment Management - A digital reality of customer journey map for DTC brands | Product Hunt
Customer Insights
Customer Journey

Customer Journey

Last Update:
Aug 24, 2024

Important Notes

We are pleased to announce the beta release of this feature for experimental use. If you encounter any issues or bugs, please reach out to us.

Be aware that the feature's specifications and data definitions might be updated in the future based on user feedback and practical applications.

We look forward to your input on improving the feature's usability and hearing about any new use cases you identify!

Overview of Customer Journey


The Customer Journey feature is accessible within each "Segment Group."

This feature allows you to visualize customer movement by connecting multiple customer segments with arrows (→).

You can dynamically explore various customer journey routes by rearranging these connections in real time, enabling you to experiment with different pathways.

Steps to Start Using the Customer Journey Feature

  1. Begin by adding your desired segments to a new "Segment Group" for use with the Customer Journey feature.
  2. Switch the display on the "Segment Group" to view the Customer Journey Board.
  3. On the Customer Journey Board, click "Edit" and then use the "Add" option on the left side to include customer segments.
  4. Connect these segments with lines (→) and save your setup to complete the aggregation.

Please note that we plan to enhance both the specifications and the ease of use of this feature in future updates.

Ideas for Using the Customer Journey Feature

Who are the customers most likely to become "Repeat Customers"?

Let's take a closer look at the types of customers who have become "Repeat Customers" in the past 7 days.

What channels did these customers use for their initial purchase? What types of products were they most likely to buy?

How to interpret the data:

  • In the last 7 days, 30 customers who initially purchased "Herbal Tea Bags" have moved into the "Repeat Customer" segment.
  • In the last 7 days, 40 customers who initially purchased via "Display Ads" have moved into the "Repeat Customer" segment.

Which product lines do "Trial Product" buyers often gravitate towards?

If you're offering trial products as a mix of various items, keep an eye on which product lines these customers tend to purchase afterward.

How to interpret the data:

  • In the last 7 days, 80 customers who first bought "Trial Products" have moved into the "Crunchy Product Line" segment.
  • In the last 7 days, 40 customers who first bought "Trial Products" have moved into the "Refreshing Product Line" segment.

How much have "At-Risk" and "Lost" customers increased in the RFM segments?

If you're managing RFM segments, track how many "Active Customers" have transitioned to "At-Risk" or "Lost" status over the past 7 days.

How to interpret the data:

  • In the last 7 days, 565 "First-time & Active Customers" have moved into the "First-time & At-Risk Customer" segment.
  • In the last 7 days, 77 "Repeat & At-Risk Customers" have moved into the "Repeat & Lost Customer" segment.

For guidance on setting up RFM segments, please refer to this recipe!

How are customers transitioning between online and offline channels?

Understand how your customers are moving between online sales channels and offline sales channels (like ShopifyPOS) to refine your OMO strategy.

How to interpret the data:

  • In the last 7 days, 30 "New Online Store Customers" have moved into the "Offline Customer" segment.
  • In the last 7 days, 120 "New Offline Customers" have moved into the "Online Store Customer" segment.

What products were customers previously fans of before trying new products or brands?

Monitor how well your new products are resonating with your existing customers. Analyze whether they are reaching the target audience effectively.

How to interpret the data:

  • In the last 7 days, 30 customers who previously bought "Refreshing Products" have moved into the "New Product 'Umami' Purchaser" segment.
  • In the last 7 days, 150 customers who previously bought "Sweets" have moved into the "New Product 'Umami' Purchaser" segment.


Key Specifications: Incomplete Data

The Customer Journey feature aggregates and displays data based on customer segments from the date each segment is created.

This feature uses historical data of which customers were in specific segments each day ('Customer Journey Data', or 'Segment Membership Log'), starting from the date the segments were initially created. As a result, the Customer Journey can only present data from the creation date of these segments forward.

When you create new segments, it may take some time to accumulate sufficient data for effective utilization of this feature.

We are currently developing enhancements that will allow for the reproduction of daily customer segment membership histories, extending back even before the segments were created by user. Stay tuned for further updates!

Please be aware: If any segments display incomplete data for the period specified on the Customer Journey Board, an alert will be triggered.

For Your Reference: How does Segment Membership Log work?

Important: Customer Journey Data Recording Starts from July 18, 2024!

We started recording "Customer Journey Data" on July 18, 2024. Even if you created customer segments before this date, the data will only be available from July 18, 2024, onward. Please be aware of this!

Definition of Customer Count for Movement Lines (→)

1) Customers who newly joined the "target node" segment from the "source node" segment during the aggregation period, and 2) who are still part of the "target node" segment on the end date of the aggregation period.


  • Source node: The customer segment where the movement starts.
  • Target node: The customer segment where the movement ends.
  • Aggregation period: The period during which movements are captured. This can be specified on the Customer Journey Board.

Detail Specifications:

  • Even if a customer moved during the period, those who have left the "target node" segment and are no longer present as of the end date of the aggregation period are not counted.
    • For instance, consider tracking customers moving from the “one-time purchase segment” to the “two-time purchase segment.” If a customer’s purchases increase from one to three during this period, they won’t be included in the count. This is because they aren't in the “two-time purchase segment” at the end of the period.
  • Whether a customer has left the "source node" segment during the aggregation period does not affect the count.
    • For example, this allows for accurate aggregation of movements between overlapping segments, such as from the "product A purchasers segment" to the "product B purchasers segment."
  • Customers who have been part of the "target node" segment since its creation date are not counted in the aggregation, even if that was actually the day they first joined the segment.
ECPower Product Manager

Edited and supervised by Product Manager of ECPower - Shopify Customer Segment & Journey Management, supporting Shopify merchants' CLV growth, CRM strategy and data analytics.

Change log

24 Aug 2024 Article Published