This article discusses examples of customer segmentation by ECPower, aimed at rewarding and maintaining loyalty of your loyal customers, as well as marketing strategy ideas.
Fans of Specific Products/Product Categories
These are customers who repeatedly purchase specific products or categories of products. Even among loyal customers, this segment has clear needs and could even be considered fans of these products.
Examples of Marketing Outreaches:
- By giving them novelty items or gifts with a sense of exclusivity related to the product, we can further foster their attachment to the brand.
- By launching campaigns that can create a sense of exclusivity, such as pre-selling related new or limited-edition products, we can enhance engagement.
Loyal Customers Who Have Made Many Purchases in the Last Three Months
Among loyal customers, these are the ones who have made many purchases recently.
Examples of Marketing Outreaches:
- If we're operating a points program or offering coupons exclusively for loyal customers, let's try to implement strategies that encourage them to keep making frequent purchases, like increasing the points reward rate.
Loyal Customers Who Have Made Purchases Over a Certain Amount in the Last Three Months
Among loyal customers, these are the ones whose recent spending is high.
Examples of Marketing Outreaches:
- Similarly, if we're operating a points program or offering coupons exclusively for loyal customers, let's try to implement strategies that encourage them to keep making frequent purchases, such as increasing the points reward rate.
Related Articles
Examples of other segments are summarized on this page.
The ways to create a customer journey for nurturing loyal customers, and the thinking behind RFM segmentation, are explained in this article. Please refer to it as well.